If you are a share trading and investment manager looking for an accounting software that will help you manage your accounting records and track your portfolio performance on a weekly, monthly or annual basis, here is a review of how we will make QuickBooks accounting software work for your company.

QuickBooks has a feature called item list which tracks all purchases by amount paid and quantity received.

We have worked around this feature to help stock traders or portfolio managers track all shares purchased, price per unit, quantity and total amount paid including brokerage charges.

Here is a snapshot of how QuickBooks record share purchases:


After entering all your shares purchases, QuickBooks will automatically update your stock portfolio report as shown below:


When you offload some your company’s share holdings, here is a snapshot that capture your income receipt:



If you need more details on how we can help your company set-up QuickBooks, call on  09092942048, 08175420054 or SEND us your request: info@magnetgroupng.com

Categories: QuickBooks