Are you a supermarket or groceries store owner looking for a reliable accounting software that will track your stocks units and quantity accurately, record sales, and expenses and generate a daily, weekly, monthly and yearly financial report for your business?

Here are tips on how QuickBooks can help you organize daily sales and expense transactions on your computer system.

Invoicing and Sales Receipts – QuickBooks Invoicing and Sales receipt window record all credit and cash transactions ( customer name, items sold, unit price, quantity and total sales realized). With this feature, you can view daily cash and credit sales report for your business.

Items – You can add all the product you sell as items in QuickBooks. From product names, cost price, selling price, unit available in store and automated calculation of your stock value. With this feature, you can run a stock report on a daily, weekly or monthly basis to ascertain unit of product sold and quantity available for sales.

Banks – You can set up all your business bank accounts and current balances in QuickBooks, record all expenses and asset purchases and reconcile with your bank statement at the end of the month.

Report – You can also run a sales summary report, debtors/creditors account summary report, profit and loss account, stock worksheet and valuation report, cash flow and balance sheet for your supermarket or groceries store.

For enquiry on how we can set-up QuickBooks for your supermarket or groceries store, call 01-4542116


Categories: QuickBooks