MAT ERP is designed to make it easy for SMEs in Nigeria to take advantage of an all-in-one application offering accounting, payroll, CRM and POS in one place.

Built specifically for SMEs who are not ready to implement the robust SAP ERP solutions, MAT enables growing businesses with various departments to integrate their work processes for increased productivity.


Features of MAT ERP Financials:

MAT ERP is built to offer three modules which are the core of financial software developed for SMEs:

  • Accounting
  • Payroll
  • POS

Ordinarily, accounting tasks are not what you should be performing on a spreadsheet especially when you have a bunch of invoices, expenses, inventories to manage on a daily basis. Going in such route may lead to leakages and misrepresentation of your overall financial position.

MAT ERP accounting module is built to automate and handle several business transaction entries while reporting your profit or loss position.  From the invoice window that captures all your daily sales, to the banking module designed to hold and track your cash balances, you have that power to be in charge of your business.

On the payroll module, MAT ERP is compliance with local laws guiding payee, pension, other contributions, and deductions. You can also process your employee’s salaries, and generate payslip for each employee.

The POS handles you sales transaction from each sales point; you can enter the details of product sold, sales rate, walk-in customers details, date and value of good sold.

For More information on how we can setup MAT ERP for SMEs, call 01-4542116